Where Have The Returns Come From?

Jun 6, 2022


This week, Michael Wallin and Stacey Andres look at the the market and what has caused 2022 returns to sit where they are, as we recorded this on Thursday, June 2nd.   Michael opens the show by breaking down the hard numbers.

Next, Stacey looks at the why. The market correction of 2022 has been all about higher rates, inflation, an exogenous geopolitical events and not about an economic or earnings slowdown – which may surprise some.

Once again, both Stacey and Michael caution against giving in to your emotions.  The key is to have a financial plan, separating your money out into short, medium, and long term, and allowing for market volatility.   With the money you won’t need until longer term, there may be an opportunity to get into the market now when it’s “on sale.”  We’ll explain what we mean by that.

If you need help putting together a financial plan – so you can stick to it – feel free to reach out to Michael and Stacey.  You can find them on our website – artofwealthunbroken.com.  Or give them a call at 855-378-1806.

Additionally, for our podcast listeners who visit the website, we are making the LifeArc plan free to you – with no obligation. This will help you get started on taking stock (no pun intended) of your overall financial picture.  Visit the website above.

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