What Is A Plan?

Jun 30, 2022


Begin with the end in mind.” – Stephen Covey

This is good advice for creating your financial plan, according to Michael Wallin.  Mike and Jag talk today about financial plans.  They should start with defining short, medium, and long term goals.  Tragically, too many people either start planning too late in life, don’t have a direction to go in – or both!

With the Life Arc plan, Michael and Stacey Andres really get to know their clients, through 10 key areas – investment, social security, retirement income, wealth transfer, tax, healthcare, personal care, education, charitable, and estate planning.  It’s important to understand how these areas can interact with each other, so that a plan can be created that’s both quantitative AND qualitative, depending on the investor.

Once the plan is created, then it can be adjusted as necessary.

Michael and Stacey can protect you and your family going forward.  They are making the Life Arc plan available to any of our podcast listeners.   To learn more or get in touch with Michael and Stacey, give them a call at (855) 378-1806 or visit them online at https://www.artofwealthunbroken.com/

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