Selecting the Right Adviser to Navigate You to the Island of Financial Independence

Jul 11, 2022


How do you select the right financial advisor?  Too often, investors focus on investment returns and lose sight of the bigger picture.   Does your advisor align with your personal values, risk tolerance, and investment philosophy?  What are their methodologies?  Have they successfully navigated their clients through economic storms before? The best advisors get to know their clients.  They don’t just sell to them.

82% of Americans say their values play a role in how they manage their finances.  But 68% of advisors don’t know this!

Using their proprietary Info Right system, Stacey Andres, Michael Wallin, and the team at Optivise Advisory Services evaluate 10 pillars of planning, and how they interact with each other: Investment, retirement income, tax, social security, education, healthcare, personal care, charitable, legal, and wealth transfer.

To receive your free Arc of Life Report, with no obligation, visit Michael and Stacey online at or give them a call at 855 378 1806.

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