Knowing Your Budget

Jun 13, 2022


The  key to any type of financial planning is knowing your budget.  Today, Michael Wallin and Jag break down the 7 stages of financial freedom, as reported by Acorn/CNBC’s Ryan Ermey here:

  1. Financial Clarity
  2. Self-Sufficiency
  3. Breathing Room
  4. Stability
  5. Flexibility
  6. Financial Independence
  7. Abundant Wealth

The key to moving through each of these steps is a budget.  Knowing what it is, and what in it is going to change!  Inflation does not affect all things equally.  And if your advisor is inflating the amount of money you need to retire, because he or she is assuming inflation on everything, you should be questioning that.  The costs of some goods and services will not go up.  So why be so aggressive in your investments if you don’t need to hit as high of a target?

If you need help putting together a financial plan – so you can stick to it – feel free to reach out to Michael and Stacey.  You can find them on our website –  Or give them a call at 855-378-1806.

Additionally, for our podcast listeners who visit the website, we are making the LifeArc plan free to you – with no obligation. This will help you get started on taking stock (no pun intended) of your overall financial picture.  Visit the website above.

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