Buffered ETF’s – Why, How, and Terms

Aug 1, 2022


Last week, Michael Wallin and Stacey Andres spoke about investment vehicles for your second, or “mid range” bucket.  One such vehicle is known as a “Buffered ETF.”  Today, they break down the why, the how, and the terms of these products.

Stacey explains the growth potential in Buffered ETF’s, that simultaneously offer downside protection. As Michael adds, it’s a way to diversify your portfolio away from traditional stocks and bonds. It’s also a nice alternative to panicking and leaving the market during times of volatility!

We talk about how Buffered ETF’s would have fared historically, and why it’s best to invest in one through a broker.

To find out how Michael and Stacey can created a Buffered ETF strategy tailored to your needs, or to receive your free Arc of Life Report, or to talk to Michael, Stacey, and the team at Optivise Advisory Services, give them a call at (855) 378-1806, or visit our website, https://www.artofwealthunbroken.com/

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