Planning Ahead for When Our Health Takes a Turn For The Worse

Aug 15, 2022


What happens when your health takes a turn?  Having a plan in place is one of the most important things you can do for your and your family’s future.

Today, Michael and Stacey talk about why it’s so important to do this, and how to get started.  Mike shares a story of a client that made the mistake of thinking she had a plan in place.  

These conversations are very difficult to have, but coming up with a personal care plan is of the utmost importance.  Our hosts share some sobering statistics to back this up.

Facilitate a family meeting, perhaps with the help of professionals like Michael and Stacey. Then start working on real solutions to questions about future living arrangements.

If you’d like help with your financial future, and want to talk to Michael, Stacey, and the team at Optivise, you can visit our website at

Or give them a call at 855-378-1806.  They’ll get you your free Arc of Life report, tailored to your own individual circumstances.

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