How Does National Debt Affect Me?

Jun 20, 2022


Today, Michael Wallin and Jag talk about our national debt, and why it’s important for you to understand how it could affect your bottom line.

Over the life of the United States, we’ve come to rely more on tax revenue from our citizens and corporations, as opposed to tariff revenues on imported goods. And the government spends a lot of money – on social security, Medicare, Medicaid, our military, and more.  And much like our personal budgets, when you’ve got more money going out than coming in, something needs to change.  Either you need to bring in more money, or spend less.   And we’re not spending less, regardless of which political party is in the White House or controls Congress.

Today’s National Debt is $30.5 Trillion.   That averages out to $91.622 for every baby that’s being born as you read these notes and listen to this podcast.   And with raising interest rates, that’s going to be even more challenging.  So you need to come up with a personal financial plan that protects you against an uncertain future.  The Info Right Process focuses on six key areas of concern: income, investment, taxation, health care (long term and personal), charitable donations, and estate planning.  

This is where Michael and Stacey can come in to protect you and your family going forward.  They are making the Life Arc plan available to any of our podcast listeners.   To learn more or get in touch with Michael and Stacey, give them a call at (855) 378-1806 or visit them online at

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